Meet Author Amy Miles

Take a journey through multiple genres with Amy Miles

RCPR: When did you realize you wanted to be an author?

Amy: I think most authors will tell you that they’ve always know they would be a writer. Its in our blood. We write because if we don’t, bad things could happen haha. Being an author is a different story. It was always a dream of mine, but until the indie world began I never really held out much hope of standing out in the traditional world.  I’m very thankful for the opportunity this new indie community had allowed for my family and I.

RCPR: In what genre do you write?

Wither_Ebook Cover (1)

Amy: I’m one of those writers who loves too many genres to be labeled by one. I started out with my Arotas Series in the paranormal realm, then hopped to sci/fi fantasy with my Rising Trilogy.  After that I tried my hand at contemporary romance with Captivate and wrote an inspirational romance, In Your Embrace.  My two newest ventures are delving into mythology with my co-written banshee novel, Netherworld and my first horror zombiesque novel, Wither due out for Halloween.

RCPR: Tell us a little about your upcoming release.

Amy: My newest novel, Wither is the darkest book I’ve ever written. It is my take on the zombie craze.  To be honest, zombies freak me out! Truly. I have nightmares about them, but I had several people begging me to write my own take on the genre so I figured I’ve give it a go.  In doing so I knew that I had two rules: 1. I cant have then mindless eating machines.  2. I can’t kill kids.  
With that in mind the idea for Wither was born.  A point of view that twists the enemy around.  What if its not the zombies we have to fear, but the humans instead.  Or more specifically human nature.

What is your writing process? Such as, outlining, freehand, computer vs paper and pen?
Amy: Of the 12 books that I’ve written so far, only one was fully plotted out.  Typically I know a beginning and the end but the middle is up for grabs. And by grabs I mean the characters steal away my control and I’m just flailing helplessly after them.  They lead the story. I just relay it.  
I’m totally a computer person. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve lost notebooks in my house. I have dozens of them in pretty much every room of the house for when a new idea hits me. Then I lose said notebook and tear apart my house in search of it.

RCPR: How much research, if any, did you have to put into your novel(s)?

Amy: It really depends on what the book is. Typically I do basic research on the location.  I try to keep it as legit as I can so that people living in these places wont email me with a “what the heck. That is so not in my town.”  For other books I’ve had to do extensive research.  For my Immortal Rose books I wrote from 1600’s Transylvania and had to learn about the country at that time, the wars going on, the clothing, the major events. For my horror novel, Wither, I did a lot of digging into science. As a professed NON science lover that was hard but I loved the premise of the book so much it was worth it to me.

RCPR: Do you listen to music while you write or edit? If so, who do you listen to?

Amy: NO!  I can’t have any sound. Literally.  I wear ear plugs to keep even the sound of the tapping keys out. I know…I’m weird.

RCPR: What has been the most exciting experience for you since starting your writing career?

Amy: Getting emails from readers is always a highlight for any author, but when you get a message from a teen that you’ve inspired to either start reading or grab a pen and craft their own stories, that’s the best feeling. I write because I love to do it. If I can allow one person to escape reality even for a few hours then I’ve accomplished my first goal.  If I can encourage a future writer, all the better.

RCPR: What author would you geek out over if you met them in real life?

Amy: I’m a HUGE James Dashner fan. Love his Maze Runner series so I’d love to meet him in person and pick his brain.

RCPR: As a reader, what about a book turns you away?

Amy: The first chapter. I NEED action.  If you can’t grip me in the first chapter I’m done. There are some books that I’ve forced myself to continue reading because people swore that it would get better but I believe a book should start off strong.

RCPR: Favorite TV show?

Amy: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, X-Files…seeing a pattern here?

RCPR: What’s your favorite candy/dessert?

Amy: Hands down my biggest nemesis are cupcakes!  White cake, white gooey sweet frosting.  Heaven in a little cup!

author pic Author Amy Miles has always been a bit of a dreamer.  Growing up as an only child, and a military brat to boot, she spent countless hours escaping into the pages of a book, only to spend the following days creating a new idea of how to twist up the story to make it unique.
Since becoming a mother, Amy has slowly nourished her love of the written word while snatching writing time in the midst of soiled diapers, tumbling over legos and peering around mounds of laundry and dishes that never seem to go away.  Once her only son started school, Amy was free to let her fingers dive into dark mythology, tales of betrayal and love, and explore human nature in its rawest form.  Her love of seeing the world from a different angle bloomed.

Amy is the author of several novels, including her popular young adult immortal books, The Arotas Series, which are an Amazon and iBooks bestselling series.  Unwilling to be defined by any one genre, she proceeded to flip over to a science fiction/fantasy based idea with her Rising Trilogy. She then dove into contemporary romance with her novel, Captivate and explored the depths of her own faith with In Your Embrace.

She is currently working on completing her Immortal Rose trilogy, a prequel to her Arotas novels.  She has also embarked on two new journeys this year, one in the form of a co-written banshee trilogy, The Hallowed Realms, which is currently represented by GH Literary and she breached another genre with her upcoming adult horror novel, Wither.  

Apryl Baker

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